Breast Cancer Awareness Butterfly Necklace in honor of National Aviation Day!

Posted by on Aug 19, 2014 in News | No Comments

The Freedom of Flight is what my celebration of National Aviation Day is all about!   We can hop on a plane and be just about anywhere within a day.  A true pleasure of today’s flying!  Let celebrate our own personal flights, our journeys where we emerge from the inside out….Our chance to spread our own wings and fly once again.

Today on this day of celebrating flight….I’d like to share my first piece of Breast Cancer jewelry that is part of the “With Gratitude for Life Collection”.  During my biopsy I found myself looking at a butterfly mobile and its symbolism rang true.  I realized the treatments facing me and so many other cancer patients were like going back into the cocoon.  MRI [ truly a cocoon], chemo, surgery and radiation they all are isolating and inward journeys.  They are a test of our fortitude both physical and mental.  At the other end of this journey is the true metamorphosis.  We are not the same as before…..we are something so MUCH MORE!!!

Everyday I wear a piece of my Breast Cancer line and it has opened up such wonderful connections, conversations and sharing.  Those of us who have been impacted by Breast Cancer and there are so many…..too many……we need to find one another, share and care for one another.  Celebrate your wings!!! Know that we all have so much to offer one another!!!

15% of the purchase price goes to SU2C   Stand up to Cancer.  They are an amazing group that is making real breakthroughs on Breast Cancer and other cancers as well! b.



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